How to Feed Baby Tigers

Baby tigers should never be pets, because they never lose their animal instinct as a predator. If you find a baby tiger, call the local zoo or animal rescue organization. If you need to feed a baby tiger before someone comes to pick it up, it is a relatively simple thing, as a baby tiger can just drink from a baby bottle. With a few baby food and drink items, you can feed a baby tiger for several weeks.

Things You'll Need

  • Blender
  • Bottled water
  • 12 oz. Esbilac powder
  • 12 oz. goat milk
  • 4.25 oz. Nutri-Cal
  • Gerber Stage two food, two jars each of turkey, beef and chicken
  • Baby bottle
  • Wet wipes
  • One gallon container
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    • 1

      Heat up sterile bottled water. It should not be hot, just lukewarm.

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      Put several ounces of the water into a kitchen blender and add the Nutri-Cal, two jars of chicken, turkey and beef baby food, Esbilac powder and goat milk. Be sure to blend it for several minutes to prevent it from clumping together.

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      Pour the mixture into a sterile gallon container.

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      Add more sterile bottled water until the gallon container is full. Shake fully before pouring into a bottle.

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      Warm the bottle in a pot of water or in the microwave.

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      Feed the baby tiger with the bottle as you would a human baby. Make sure that the bottle is tilted up so that no air gets into the baby tiger.

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      Wipe the baby tiger with a wet wipe around the genitals to stimulate it to urinate every time you feed it. The baby should also defecate several times a day, so be prepared with towels and more wipes to clean everything up.