What enviromental issues are threatening tigers?

Habitat Loss: As human populations grow, so does the need for land for development, agriculture, and other activities. This has resulted in the destruction of tiger habitats, fragmenting their populations and making it difficult for them to find food, mates, and shelter.

Poaching: Tigers are hunted for their fur, meat, and other body parts, which are used in traditional medicine and other products. Poaching is a major threat to tigers, with some species facing extinction due to the high demand for their parts.

Climate Change: Changes in climate and weather patterns can have a negative impact on tiger habitats, affecting the availability of food and water and disrupting the balance of ecosystems.

Human-Tiger Conflict: As human populations expand and encroach on tiger habitats, conflicts between humans and tigers can occur, leading to the deaths of both tigers and humans.

Illegal Wildlife Trade: Tigers and their parts are illegally traded both domestically and internationally, contributing to the decline of tiger populations.