1. Remain Calm:
- Try to stay composed and avoid sudden movements that might startle the rhino.
2. Assess the Situation:
- Quickly evaluate your surroundings and identify potential escape routes.
3. Maintain a Safe Distance:
- Gradually back away from the rhino while keeping an eye on its movement.
4. Avoid Direct Eye Contact:
- Rhinos perceive direct eye contact as a challenge, so avoid looking it in the eyes.
5. Move in a Zigzag Pattern:
- Rhinos have poor eyesight, so running in a zigzag pattern makes it harder for them to track your movement.
6. Seek Higher Ground:
- If possible, head for higher ground, as rhinos are less likely to follow.
7. Climb a Tree:
- If there are suitable trees nearby, try to climb one as rhinos are not great tree climbers.
8. Use Nearby Objects as Barriers:
- Position large objects like rocks or trees between yourself and the rhino.
9. Make Yourself Big:
- If escape seems impossible, stand your ground and make yourself appear as big as possible by raising your arms and clothing.
10. Stay Silent and Still:
- If the rhino charges, stay completely still and silent as they tend to charge past stationary objects.
11. Play Dead as a Last Resort:
- If the rhino reaches you and starts attacking, lie down, curl into a ball, and cover your head and neck with your hands.
12. Seek Medical Attention:
- Even if you manage to escape, seek immediate medical attention as rhinos can cause severe injuries.
Remember that surviving a rhino attack largely depends on situational factors and the rhino's behavior. Always be cautious and avoid getting too close to wild rhinos, respecting their natural habitats and following guidelines set by wildlife authorities.