How many spiecies of tigers are left?

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), there are six living tiger species:

1. Bengal tiger (_Panthera tigris tigris_):

- Found in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar

2. Indochinese tiger (_Panthera tigris corbetti_):

- Found in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China

3. Malaysian tiger (_Panthera tigris jacksoni_):

- Found in Peninsular Malaysia

4. Siberian tiger (_Panthera tigris altaica_):

- Found in Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea

5. South China tiger (_Panthera tigris amoyensis_):

- Found in China

6. Sumatran tiger (_Panthera tigris sumatrae_):

- Found in Sumatra, Indonesia