- Who would win tiger vs bear monkey bat?
- Are tigers just as important lions?
- How big is a Bengal tiger get up to?
- Why do tigers choose to eat deer or a wild boar?
- What sound do tigers use to scare away other animals?
- Why do tiger babies suckle?
- Who are the tigers being threatened by?
- Is a Tiger faster than German Shepherd?
- Why does tigers live in africa only?
- What type of shelter dose a white tiger need?
- How much space do tigers need to live?
- How many Bengal tigers were there before they became extinct?
- What kind of bat is the most endangered?
- What are the 4 types of Bengal tigers there.?
- Are smilodons and saber-toothed tigers the same?
- Why did a saber-toothed tiger have short tail?
- How many teats do a white tiger have?
- What Kingdom was a saber-toothed tiger?
- What are three adaptations of tigers catching and eating their prey?
- What is a tigers type of reproduction?
- What are the saber-toothed tigers defenses?
- What is a white tigers deit?
- How does a Siberian tiger protect itself from enemies?
- What habitat do african tigers live in?
- Do tigers live in South America?
- Why are Tasmanian tigers dead?
- Does a tiger eats moose?
- What is a tiger appearance?
- Are the Bengal tigers being pollution?
- Why do tigers and lions eat flesh?
- How do saber-toothed tigers feed?
- Do Siberian tigers eat polar bears?
- How did Bengal tigers get their name?
- Is a black panther lynx or leopard?
- Where are tigers normally found?
- Why tigers have padded paws?
- Do tigers live with other animals or by themselves?
- What types of foods does a tiger eat?
- Where were tigers originally found in India?
- What group in scientific classification is where white tigers belong?
- Are lions and tigers part of the feline family?
- Why is a pack of tigers called pride tigers?
- How many breeds of tiger are there in Brazil?
- What is a Bengal tigers mating season?
- Does a tiger also have orange skin as well black stripes on their skin?
- Does a bat have fur or hair?
- What is the tigers specialty?
- What is a tigers cell structure like?
- What habitat do white tigers live in?
- What sound does the saber-toothed tiger make?