What is another name for a type of baboon?

There are five main types of baboons, each with their own scientific and common names:

* Olive Baboon: *Papio anubis*

* Yellow Baboon: *Papio cynocephalus*

* Chacma Baboon: *Papio ursinus*

* Guinea Baboon: *Papio papio*

* Mandrill: *Mandrillus sphinx*

The Mandrill is technically a separate genus, but it is closely related to the baboons and often considered to be one.

So, depending on the specific type of baboon you're referring to, there are various other names you could use. For example, the Olive Baboon is sometimes called the Anubis Baboon, while the Yellow Baboon is also known as the Hamadryas Baboon.