What eats a long eared jerboa?

Long-eared jerboas are small, nocturnal rodents that live in deserts and steppes of Asia. They are prey for a variety of predators, including:

* Birds of prey: Owls, hawks, falcons, and eagles are all known to hunt jerboas.

* Carnivores: Foxes, wolves, jackals, and other canids are also known to prey on jerboas.

* Reptiles: Snakes, especially vipers, can pose a threat to jerboas.

* Other rodents: Larger rodents, such as gerbils and hamsters, may sometimes prey on jerboas.

The specific predators that target long-eared jerboas will vary depending on the location and the specific species of jerboa. However, these animals are generally quite vulnerable due to their small size and nocturnal habits.