What are some reasons why you keep a hippo as pet?

You should absolutely not keep a hippopotamus as a pet. Here's why:

* They are incredibly dangerous: Hippos are incredibly powerful and aggressive animals. They are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal, even lions. Their large teeth and powerful jaws can inflict serious injury or even death.

* They require massive space and specialized care: Hippos need vast amounts of space, a specialized diet, and constant access to water. Their waste products are also a significant concern, requiring specialized facilities for disposal.

* They are illegal in most places: Owning a hippopotamus as a pet is illegal in most countries due to the risks they pose to humans and the environment.

* They are wild animals: Hippos are wild animals that should remain in their natural habitat. Keeping them in captivity can cause them significant stress and negatively impact their well-being.

Instead of considering a hippo as a pet, you might want to learn about and support organizations that work to protect these animals in their natural habitats.