How does a cheetahs stay safe?


Cheetahs have a pale-tan coat with black spots that helps them blend in with their surroundings.

This camouflage makes them less visible to predators and prey alike, allowing them to approach their targets or avoid danger more effectively.


Cheetahs are the fastest land animals and can sprint at speeds of up to 112 km/h (70 mph) making them formidable hunters and escape artists.

Their swiftness aids in chasing down prey and outrunning potential threats, be they predators or rival cheetahs.

Retractable Claws:

Unlike other big cats, cheetahs have semi-retractable claws.

These sharp, curved claws provide extra traction when running and enable cheetahs to grip the ground firmly.

This traction is crucial for achieving their incredible speed during chases.

Long and Muscular Body:

Cheetahs possess long, slender bodies with powerful muscles that allow them to accelerate rapidly and maintain their high speed for short distances.

This body structure, coupled with their long and flexible spine, acts as a spring during running.

Social Structure:

Although mostly solitary hunters, cheetahs sometimes form coalitions with their brothers or male relatives to establish larger territories.

These alliances increase the safety and hunting success of the group, offering protection against predators and greater access to prey.