How to Play With a Pet Wallaroo

Wallaroos are naturally playful and curious animals, which makes a pet wallaroo especially interactive with people. Wallaroos enjoy both active games and quiet time, so you will be able to play with your pet wallaroo in many different ways.


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      Bottle-raise a pet wallaroo, or adopt one that has been bottle-raised. A bottle-raised wallaroo will be much more interested in playing with humans than one who did not have a lot of human interaction as a baby.

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      Neuter your male wallaroo at a young age if you want him to be a companion rather than a breeding animal. An intact male can be dangerous during breeding season and does not make a good playmate.

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      Encourage your pet wallaroo's curiosity. Wallaroos are naturally curious creatures and encouraging this trait will make your wallaroo more interested in interacting with you and others. A curious wallaroo will also show you what she is interested in doing and will probably invent games for both of you to enjoy.

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      Be active with your wallaroo. Your pet may enjoy chase-related games, games with balls or tug-of-war games with sheets or towels. Try out a variety of games with your wallaroo, introducing them slowly until you see what he is most interested in.

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      Spend quiet time with your wallaroo. Your pet will enjoy snuggling with you. Wallaroos can even make good companions for a night on the couch watching movies.

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      Discipline your wallaroo gently. If your wallaroo gets carried away during play, give him a firm "no" rather than any sort of physical punishment.