How to Own a Pet Wallaroo

A wallaroo falls in size somewhere between a wallaby and a kangaroo. In fact, the three are closely related species in the macropod family. While not your average pet, a wallaroo provides an affectionate companion. Before you rush out to purchase a wallaroo, you should learn as much as you can about the animal. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need

  • Large, fenced area
  • Wallaroo food
  • Heated shelter
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  1. Own A Pet Wallaroo

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      Check your local laws and regulations regarding exotic pets before you buy a wallaroo. If your city allows you to own a pet wallaroo, you will most likely have to get a permit from the city, county or state wildlife board. Renew your permits according to the terms of your jurisdiction.

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      Provide adequate space for your pet wallaroo. You will need a large, outdoor corral that has a shelter to protect your pet from the elements. Heat the shelter if you live in a cold environment and make sure the fences are tall enough to keep your wallaroo from hopping over.

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      Expect to spend the first few months nursing your new wallaroo every 2 to 3 hours. Unless you buy an adult pet, you must bottle feed the wallaroo using special formula mixed with distilled water. A strong bond will form between you and your pet as you bottle feed your joey (baby wallaroo).

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      Feed your wallaroo a well rounded diet, offering shrubs, bushes and hay for grazing. A constant supply of commercial pellet food guarantees your pet wallaroo is receiving proper nutrition.

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      Teach your wallaroo the word "no." Just like a dog, a wallaroo can be trained to learn what is wrong with a forceful "no." Never physically punish your pet.

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      Make your wallaroo part of your family. If you plan to own a wallaroo, you should also plan to treat it well. Wallaroos are social creatures who crave attention, and should not be left alone for extended periods.