What is more dangerous to humans timber wolf or mountain lion?

It's difficult to definitively say which is more dangerous, as both timber wolves and mountain lions pose threats to humans, but their danger levels differ based on factors like:

Timber Wolves:

* Rarity of Attacks: Timber wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare. They are primarily afraid of humans and avoid contact.

* Motivation for Attacks: Attacks are usually driven by hunger or territorial defense, especially when wolves are sick or injured.

* Pack Behavior: Wolves are social animals, and pack behavior can influence the likelihood of attacks.

Mountain Lions:

* More Frequent Attacks: Mountain lion attacks on humans are more common than wolf attacks, though still relatively rare.

* Ambush Predators: Mountain lions are solitary ambush predators, making them more unpredictable and dangerous.

* Size and Strength: Mountain lions are bigger and stronger than wolves, capable of inflicting significant damage.


While mountain lion attacks are more common, timber wolves are generally considered more dangerous due to their pack behavior. A pack of wolves could pose a more serious threat than a single mountain lion.

However, both animals should be treated with caution and respect. If you encounter either one in the wild, it's best to:

* Stay calm and avoid direct eye contact.

* Slowly back away while maintaining eye contact.

* Make yourself appear larger by raising your arms.

* Make loud noises to scare the animal away.

Ultimately, both animals are wild and unpredictable. It's important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when in areas they inhabit.