Why do wolf come out at night?

Wolves are primarily crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk. This is because they are primarily hunting animals and these times offer several advantages:

* Lower temperatures: The cooler temperatures of dawn and dusk make hunting more comfortable and reduce the risk of overheating, especially for larger predators like wolves.

* Better visibility: While wolves have excellent night vision, they can still see better in the softer light of dawn and dusk compared to the darkness of night.

* Predator avoidance: Many of the predators that wolves need to avoid are also more active during the day, making dawn and dusk safer times to hunt.

* Prey behavior: Many prey animals, like deer, are also most active at dawn and dusk, making them easier targets for wolves.

While wolves are most active at dawn and dusk, they are not limited to these times. They may also hunt at night, especially if they are hungry or if their prey is more active at night.

However, it is a misconception that wolves *only* come out at night. They are simply more active during the hours before sunrise and after sunset.