What are the 5 predators of a coyote?

Coyotes are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain in most of their ecosystems. This means they have very few natural predators. Here are some of the animals that prey on coyotes:

1. Larger Canids: Wolves, particularly in areas where they overlap in range, can prey on coyotes, especially young or weaker individuals.

2. Bears: Both black and grizzly bears can prey on coyotes, especially in areas with abundant bear populations.

3. Mountain Lions: Mountain lions are powerful predators that can take down adult coyotes.

4. Humans: Humans are a significant factor in coyote mortality through hunting, trapping, and roadkill.

5. Other Coyotes: Coyotes sometimes engage in intraspecific predation, meaning they will hunt and kill other coyotes, particularly in times of food scarcity or competition for territory.

It's important to remember that these are not the only predators of coyotes, and the specific predators present will vary depending on the location and other environmental factors.