What do wolves chase?

Wolves are opportunistic carnivores, meaning they'll eat whatever they can catch and kill. Here's a breakdown of what they typically chase:

Primary Prey:

* Ungulates: These are hoofed mammals like elk, deer, moose, caribou, and bison. These animals are their primary food source, particularly in the winter.

* Smaller Mammals: Wolves will also hunt smaller mammals like rabbits, hares, squirrels, and even mice.


* Other Predators: Wolves may hunt other predators like foxes, coyotes, or even bears, especially if they're competing for resources.

* Birds: Occasionally, wolves will target birds, especially young birds or those that are injured or unable to fly.

* Carrion: Wolves are scavengers and will eat carrion if it's available, but it's not their primary food source.

What Wolves Don't Chase:

* Domesticated Animals: While there are rare cases of wolf attacks on livestock, they generally avoid humans and their domesticated animals.

Important Note: Wolves are highly adaptable and their diet will vary depending on their location and the availability of prey.