How long do Mackenzie valley wolf live?

There's no specific data available on the lifespan of Mackenzie Valley wolves. However, we can use the lifespan of other wolf subspecies as a guide:

* General Wolf Lifespan: In the wild, wolves typically live for 6-8 years, though some may live up to 13-17 years.

* Factors Affecting Lifespan: Factors like habitat, food availability, diseases, and predation all influence a wolf's lifespan.

Therefore, we can estimate that Mackenzie Valley wolves likely have a similar lifespan to other wolf subspecies, ranging from 6-8 years in the wild, with some individuals reaching up to 13-17 years.

It's important to note: This is just an estimate. Further research is needed to understand the specific factors influencing the lifespan of Mackenzie Valley wolves.