Animals that live in the mountain?

Mountain environments are home to a diverse array of animals, adapted to the unique challenges and opportunities of these rugged landscapes. Some of the animals commonly found in mountain regions include:

1. Mountain Goats: These sure-footed mammals are well-adapted to rocky terrain and can be found in mountainous regions worldwide. With thick coats and muscular bodies, they navigate steep slopes and cliffs with agility.

2. Bighorn Sheep: Characterized by their massive, spiral horns, bighorn sheep inhabit mountainous areas in North America. They are skilled climbers and can traverse rocky terrain with remarkable ease.

3. Snow Leopards: Found in the mountainous regions of Central and South Asia, snow leopards are known for their elusive nature and beautiful fur. These predators have thick, luxurious coats and broad paws, allowing them to navigate snowy terrains stealthily.

4. Alpine Ibex: These wild goats are native to the Alps and exhibit impressive climbing abilities. They have strong hooves, sharp horns, and a sure-footedness that allows them to traverse steep and challenging terrain.

5. Pika: These small, furry mammals inhabit mountain ranges in North America and Asia. They are well-adapted to cold environments and often build rock piles to protect themselves from predators and harsh weather.

6. Golden Eagles: These majestic birds of prey are found in mountainous regions around the world. They have powerful wings and keen eyesight, making them formidable hunters of small mammals and birds.

7. Mountain Lions: Also known as cougars or pumas, mountain lions are large predators found in mountainous habitats in the Americas. They are skilled climbers and can navigate treacherous terrain with grace and agility.

8. Marmots: These large rodents inhabit mountain regions in North America and Asia. They are known for their whistling calls and build burrows for shelter and hibernation during colder months.

9. Alpine Chough: A member of the crow family, the alpine chough is found in mountain ranges in Europe and Asia. They have red beaks and legs and are adapted to high altitudes and cold environments.

10. Chamois: These agile mammals are found in mountainous regions of Europe. With their short, stocky bodies and long, curved horns, they can expertly traverse rocky terrain.

These are just a few examples of the many animal species that call mountain environments home. Mountains offer diverse habitats, including rocky slopes, alpine meadows, and forests, each with its own unique flora and fauna.