Training Wolf Dog Puppies

Wolf dog pups require the same amount of training and exercise as other dogs, if not more. Start them young to avoid behavior issues when they are older and destruction to your house by a bored animal. Some activities may be more challenging since they are strong-willed but they should certainly learn the basic commands.
  1. Wolf dogs

    • Wolves are wild animals. Even though they can be trained like dogs, it is important to keep in mind they are not dogs. Dogs have been subordinate to people for thousands of years while wolves still run wild. Keep this in mind when training wolf dog hybrids. Be patient and use a positive reward system. You have to make them want to listen by being respectful and kind as it is not their nature to see a human as the alpha, or leader.


    • Wolf pups should learn the basics of obedience--things like sit, stay and off. Starting the pup as soon as you get him is the best plan as he wont have time to learn bad habits. Very young pups have a short attention span though so training sessions should be kept short but consistent throughout the day.

      Treats being the best motivation, show the pup you have something in your hand he would like to eat and this will get his attention. Next, say the desired command and show him what it is. For example, put him in the sit position and give him the treat. With a bit of repletion the dog quickly figures out the desired behavior results in a treat for himself.

      With things like potty training, it is harder to make a dog use the facilities on command. To train the pup to go in the desired place, take the dog multiple times throughout the day to this place. If he does evacuate, raise him or give him a treat. This way he will start to associate that area with restroom and will start to seek that place out when he has to go.

      The key to proper behavior is to start soon and be consistent. If a behavior is overlooked one day then punished the next, it sets up a mixed message for the pup and he will continue to do it until it becomes clear it is unacceptable. For example, if you allow a dog on the couch sometimes, he will think the couch is an acceptable place to be and will continue to go on it.

      Ensuring your wolf gets plenty of exercise will also help keep his temper even. Animals that are bored tend to find mischief to get into. Eating a pair of shoes will be avoided by taking your wolf on walks and playing with him. Ensure training sessions are done after some activity as young dogs have a hard time focusing when they have too much energy.