How to Train Wolf Hybrid Puppies

Wolf hybrid puppies require consistent training that is firm but always positive. No amount of training or taming will give a wolf hybrid puppy the same temperament as a domesticated dog. A part of the puppy will always be wild, and that can mean dangerous and destructive behaviors, fearfulness and restlessness. Wild behaviors like startling easily, aggression, destructiveness and high energy are common in wolf hybrids. Set reasonable, firm boundaries from the time your puppy is very young and continue as it matures. A wolf hybrid puppy is a huge responsibility. It can be rewarding, but there are also wolf-dog rescues filled with pets that didn't work out.

Things You'll Need

  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Toys
  • Training treats
  • Crate
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    • 1

      Socialize your wolf hybrid puppy well. Take it as many places as you can, and introduce it to as many people, animals and noises as possible, making sure all its experiences are positive and pleasant. Poorly socialized dogs tend to be aggressive or shy, and wolves are even more so, since they are not domesticated.

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      Take your wolf hybrid puppy to the veterinarian as quickly as you can after adopting it. Wolf hybrids are susceptible to the same diseases as domestic dogs are. Hidden pain or illness can lead to aggression, so visit the vet regularly. Have your puppy altered as soon as the veterinarian recommends. Early neutering can prevent some hormone-related behaviors.

    • 3
      It is imperative that your wolf hybrid puppy learn obedience.

      Enroll your wolf-dog puppy in puppy kindergarten class. The class will help with beginning training and socialization with other dogs, and it will provide exercise. Obedience training must begin as early as possible and continue for the life of your wolf hybrid puppy. Take it to obedience classes once it is old enough.

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      Practice the "Nothing in Life Is Free" program (NILIF) and instruct all family members to follow it. This is a program that helps you teach your puppy that you are the leader in a positive, trusting and nonconfrontational manner. The puppy must earn all treats, play and petting. This works well for domestic dogs, but is especially useful in training wolf hybrid puppies since forceful, harsh methods can prove dangerous as the puppy matures.

    • 5
      A wolf hybrid is very energetic.

      Exercise your wolf hybrid puppy daily. These are energetic, athletic animals and they must have an outlet for their energy. The puppy needs leash walks several times a day, as well as off-leash romping in a fenced yard at least twice a day. Wolf hybrids tend to become destructive and even aggressive when they have pent-up energy.

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      A wolf hybrid puppy has the mental restlessness of a full wolf.

      Teach your puppy games to play in the yard and inside the house. Games are good for expending mental and physical energy as well as for bonding and reinforcing your leadership. Hide-and-seek, fetch and tug are good games if you establish rules for each game. Consider agility or canine dance as well. Keep things interesting for your wolf hybrid, as they do not have the desire to please the way domestic dogs do.

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      Handle your wolf hybrid puppy daily on all parts of its body. It must learn to accept human handling all over, inside the mouth, paws, ears, and even genitals. This doesn't come naturally for wolves and must be taught from an early age.

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      Teach your wolf-dog puppy bite inhibition. Wolves and dogs learn from playing with their littermates the amount of pressure that hurts. It's important to continue your pup's education by crying and stopping the game whenever your pup puts its mouth on you, just as its littermates did.

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      Crate train your puppy. Wolf hybrids are generally more difficult to house train, and more destructive overall, than dogs. The crate should never be a punishment; make it a pleasant and safe haven.