How to Feed a Pet Wolf

Having a wolf or any exotic creature for a pet can be a fun experience, but it can also present challenges different from the basic responsibilities of owning a domesticated dog or cat. One of the primary needs is maintaining basic dietary and nutritional needs. Here are some things to remember when feeding a pet wolf.


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      Provide plenty of water. Hydration is important for keeping any pet healthy. Since your wolf needs a large amount of space to live, consider having more than one water source available for it. If the land you live on has a natural body of water, such as a stream that is clean and accessible, this will work fine. If not, place large bowls or troughs of water around the animal's living area and make sure that the water is always fresh and clean.

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      Avoid "people food." Table scraps are generally not healthy for pets. A wolf's digestive system is not equipped to digest preservatives, nitrates and other ingredients in man-made food products not found in the wild. Limit the amount of this kind of food that you give to your pet wolf.

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      Find the right food. There is animal feed made specifically to meet the unique dietary needs of exotic animals. These kinds of feed can help maintain your pet wolf's nutrient and vitamin intake to keep its diet healthy and well-balanced. Talk to an exotic animal veterinarian about what sort of feed is best for your pet wolf.

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      Supplement with fresh food. Giving your pet wolf fresh meat in addition to his regular food is not only be a good source of iron and protein but also meets the wild instinct to eat freshly killed game. Obviously, if your wolf is living on a large piece of land where there are wild animals for it to hunt, this need will already be met. If not, your local veterinarian can give you suggestions for what kind of meat to feed your wolf and how often you should feed it fresh meat.

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      Understand eating habits. Your wolf may be a pet, but it still has eating habits as though it were living in the wild. It is customary for a wolf to kill an animal and eat, then go without food for a day or two before returning to the kill and eating more. Your pet wolf may not eat on a regular basis like a domesticated dog. This is not necessarily a sign of illness or poor health, but if you notice that your wolf is going a long time without eating and is becoming listless or emaciated, contact your veterinarian.