How to Research the Laws Regarding Wolves as Pets

While most wildlife experts discourage the practice of keeping wolves as pets, it is also important to know what the legal requirements are your area. In some locales, wolf ownership may be strictly prohibited, while in other regions a specific permit, such as an exotic pet license, may be required. Through simple research, you will be able to address your concerns about the ownership of pet wolves. Read on to learn more.


  1. Research the Laws Regarding Wolves as Pets

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      Contact the local authority in your area that governs animal control regulations, and find out about the laws regarding keeping wolves and wolf hybrids as pets. This may be a dedicated Animal Control department, or a Sheriff's department, depending upon where you live.

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      Visit your local library and research all of the municipal ordinances regarding animal control and pet ownership in the specific jurisdiction of where you live. Most libraries have sections available for law research.

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      Read such books as "Wolfdogs A-Z: Behavior, Training and More" by Nicole Wild, and "The Company of Wolves" by Peter Steinhart for more information about the laws regarding wolves as pets, and the issues concerning the peaceful co-existence of wolves and human beings over the years.

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      Get specific answers on all laws requiring animal ownership, and legal precedents in all animal cases at an online resource such as (see Resources below). Such websites can refer you to your local animal control authorities as well as document all of the local ordinances regarding the ownership of exotic animals such as wolves.

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      Conduct research at a state-based institution, such as on the official Indiana University website, which offers state by state requirements and laws regarding wolf ownership (see Resources below).