How to Breed a Pet Wolf

Many people seek to breed wolves in an attempt to either create a need and improved breed of wolf or to create more docile wolves. Wolves are closely related to dogs, but they do have a much more rigid pack system. Wolves do not mate as casually as dogs and seek to stay with their mates long term.


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      Pair one male with one female wolf. Allow the male and female to spend time together and hunt together before adding more pet wolves into the pack.

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      Keep the wolf pair together between the months of January and April for the prime breeding months. Allow the pair to breed naturally on their own schedule. Expect to see a wolf litter in the spring if the mating was successful.

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      Allow the mating pair several months to care for their litter. Feed the adult wolves and allow them to feed their pups. Provide enough food so that the mother wolf can chew some of it and then feed it to her babies.

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      Provide enough space for the pups to have space of their own after a few months. Allow the mother wolf to continue to feed her pups even after they have left their original den.