1. Size: Mountain lion prints are generally larger than bobcat prints. An adult mountain lion's print can measure up to 4 inches (10 cm) in length and 3 inches (7.5 cm) in width, while a bobcat's print typically measures around 2.5 inches (6 cm) in length and 2 inches (5 cm) in width.
2. Shape: Mountain lion prints are more rounded and oval in shape, with a distinct heel pad and four toe pads. Bobcat prints are more elongated and rectangular, with a smaller heel pad and four toe pads that are often less distinct.
3. Claw marks: Mountain lion prints often show distinct claw marks, which are typically longer and more curved than the claw marks in bobcat prints. Bobcat claw marks are typically shorter and less pronounced.
4. Toe pad impressions: The toe pad impressions in mountain lion prints are generally larger and more widely spaced than those in bobcat prints. Bobcat prints often show a pattern of two larger, central toe pads and two smaller, outer toe pads, while mountain lion prints have more evenly sized toe pads.
5. Strides: Mountain lions have longer strides than bobcats, and their footprints are typically spaced farther apart. Bobcat footprints are often closer together, with a shorter stride length.
It's important to consider the specific context and other relevant clues, such as the location and the presence of other signs of wildlife activity, when attempting to identify footprints accurately.