What are the ranks in a wolf pack called?

* Alpha male: The alpha male is the dominant wolf in the pack. He is responsible for leading the pack, defending its territory, and mating with the alpha female.

* Alpha female: The alpha female is the dominant female in the pack. She is responsible for raising the pups, maintaining social order, and providing food for the pack.

* Beta wolves: Beta wolves are subordinate to the alpha male and female, but they are still important members of the pack. They help to lead the pack, defend its territory, and care for the pups.

* Omega wolf: The omega wolf is the lowest-ranking wolf in the pack. He is often bullied by the other wolves and is the first to be killed if the pack is threatened.

* Lone wolves: Lone wolves are wolves that have been expelled from their pack or have chosen to live alone. They are not as successful as pack wolves, but they can still survive on their own.