- Pitbull fighting dogs are bred for aggression. They are often kept in harsh conditions and subjected to cruel training practices that make them more aggressive and dangerous.
- Pitbull fights are often bloody and violent. The dogs are often injured or killed during these fights, and they may suffer from long-term health problems as a result.
- Pitbull fighting encourages gambling and other illegal activities. It is often associated with organized crime and other illegal activities.
- Pitbull fighting promotes a culture of violence. It sends the message that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems, and it can contribute to a broader culture of violence in society.
- Pitbull fighting creates a safety risk for the community. Escaped pitbulls can pose a serious threat to public safety, especially for children.
Pitbull fighting is a brutal and archaic practice that has no place in a civilized society. It is a serious crime that should be punished severely.