How does a wolverine protect itself?

A wolverine is a fierce and powerful animal, and it has a number of adaptations that help it to protect itself from predators and other threats.

* Bone density and muscle mass: Woverines have incredibly strong bones and muscles, which allow it to withstand pain and continue to fight even when it is in a lot of pain.

* Fur: A wolverine’s fur is thick, dense, and provides exceptional protection against harsh elements and predators.

* Long claws: A wolverine’s claws are long and sharp.

* Agility: Woverines are remarkably agile and can move quickly and easily through dense forests, brush, fallen trees, and snow.

* Intelligence: Woverines are extremely intelligent animals and they are known for their ability to problem solve and adapt to their environment.

If a predator does manage to get the best of a wolverine, the wolverine will often use its claws to inflict serious injuries on its attacker. In some cases, a wolverine may even be able to kill its attacker.