What enemies does an Orca have?

Orcas (_Orcinus orca_) are apex predators and do not have any natural predators in their environment. However, they do face threats from several factors, including:

- Humans: Orcas are often hunted for their meat, oil, and skin, resulting in population declines in certain areas.

- Pollution: Orcas are vulnerable to pollutants in the water, such as heavy metals, PCBs, and pesticides, which can accumulate in their bodies and cause health problems.

- Climate change: Changes in ocean temperatures and ice conditions due to climate change affect the distribution and abundance of the prey species that orcas rely on, impacting their ability to find sufficient food.

- Habitat loss and degradation: The destruction and degradation of their habitats, such as coastal areas and feeding grounds, can affect orcas' ability to hunt and reproduce successfully.

- Noise pollution: Noise from ships and other human activities can disturb orcas' communication, echolocation, and feeding behaviors.

- Disease: Orcas are susceptible to various diseases, such as morbillivirus and other infections, which can have severe impacts on their population health.

- Interactions with fishing gear: Orcas may become entangled in fishing gear, which can lead to injuries or death.