What Are the Benefits of Micro-Pigs?

Micro-pigs are also often called teacup pigs. Both names reference their extremely small size. These animals make great pets and there are many advantages to owning one. Don't be put off by the fact that they are pigs as you'll soon find they are much more manageable than a fully grown potbellied pig.
  1. Lifespan

    • Compared to other popular cats, micro-pigs have an unusually long lifespan. The expected average lifespan of a healthy micro-pig is between 15 and 20 years. This is toward the higher end of a cat's expected lifespan, which is around 15 years, or 20 years in unusual circumstances. By comparison, Labradors live 12 to 14 years on average.


    • Micro-pigs are not dirty animals, despite the reputation pigs may have. Unlike other house pets, micro-pigs do not get fleas. This is related to the fact that they have no hair to shed, meaning that these animals do not leave piles of hair on the furniture. It also means they do not aggravate any allergies that owners may have. Micro-pigs are also easy to litter train and can be trained in around a week.


    • Micro-pigs, as both of their names suggest, are small. This has several advantages. As well as being easy to carry, they are easy to walk on a leash as well. They grow to be about 14 to 16 inches and weigh around 40 lbs. when they are fully grown. This is between five and ten times less than a fully grown farm pig. This is also slightly smaller, though heavier, than the average house cat.


    • Micro-pigs have loving personalities. These animals are particularly intelligent. An article in the Daily Mail even suggests they are smarter than dogs. They are extremely affectionate pets and they are also very loyal. The lack of barking means that they make very quiet pets as well. In addition to their size, all of these attributes make them very easy to walk on a leash without many behavioral issues.