How to Make a Pet Pot-Bellied Pig Stop Biting

Pot-bellied pigs are smart, harmless animals that make fine pets, but they can grow to be 300 pounds. Biting is a sign of aggression and a bite from an adult pig can be dangerous. If you have a pot-bellied pig that bites, assert your dominance and make sure it understands that you are the alpha pig.


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      Feed your pig treats from the floor or only in its bowl. If a pig starts to associate hands with food, it may start to snap at your hands and the hands of the people around it.

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      Say "no" in a loud and clear voice when the pig begins to bite or snap. A loud sound startles the pig and makes it forget what it was doing.

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      Clap your hands loudly if it looks like the pig is going to bite.

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      Cup your hand over the back of the pig's neck close behind the ears when it starts to bite or get aggressive.

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      Shove the pig back by setting your hand on the pig's shoulder and applying pressure. Pigs show dominance by pushing each other to one side by their shoulders. This asserts your dominance over the pig.