How to Put Two Potbelly Pigs Together

The best time to introduce a second potbelly pig is shortly after getting the first pig. Potbelly pigs more readily accept a companion when they are young and before pecking order has been established. Potbelly pigs are social animals so bringing a second pig into the family often cuts down on undesirable behavior triggered by loneliness. The pigs will create a tight bond and will often be found either playing with each other or snuggling up taking a nap.


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      Select a second pig based on its attitude. If the first pig is aggressive, choosing a pig which is slightly larger but less aggressive corrects some of the behavioral issues of the first pig. The second pig becomes dominant due to its size and encourages less aggression from the first pig.

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      Introduce the two pigs in a neutral place, preferably outdoors. The first pig must not feel like it has any claim to this place or severe fighting will take place. Allow the two pigs one to two hours of supervised time to get to know each other.

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      Place the new pig in a separate pen from the first pig. If placed together at this point a fight will ensue. Over the course of a week continue taking the pigs to a neutral space to get to know each other. Begin leaving them together in this space for longer periods of time.

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      Place the two pigs together in the first pig's outdoor pen. Do not be surprised if a fight does occur. Try to stay out of it so the pigs can work out pecking order and so you do not get hurt. One pig must be dominant and one pig must be submissive, they will figure out who is who.

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      Bring the two pigs into the house once they can stay together in the outdoor pen without fighting. Once this has occurred expect your potbelly pigs to live together peacefully.