How to Care for an Elderly Pot-Bellied Pig

The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig or simply pot-bellied pig originates from Southeast Asia. These intelligent animals have become pets to many people over the years. Just like dogs they require walks, attention to keep them from being bored and a realization that these pets could make it to 300 pounds in weight when full grown. Pot-bellied pigs can be trained to perform tricks, use a litter box or go outdoors. They are good playmates and walk on a leash. They are lazy, so exercise is necessary. They are omnivores and require a special diet, especially when elderly.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Mini pig chow
  • Olive oil
  • Warm water
  • Water bowl
  • Fresh cold water
  • Children's chewable complete vitamins
  • Sleeping box
  • Blankets
  • Wading pool or mud hole
  • Glucosamine/MSM product
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  1. Diet

    • 1
      Pay special attention to diet and exercise for heavy elderly pigs.

      Purchase a recommended mini pig chow at your local pet store or feed store. Determine the amount of food your elderly pot-bellied pig requires. If he is overweight, special attention will be required as to how much to feed and how much exercise is needed.

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      Giving your pot-bellied pig a children's vitamin will help keep her in good health.

      Feed your pot-bellied pig twice a day, preferably morning and night. Pour out the directed amount of mini pig chow into a bowl. Add 1 tsp. of olive oil; this helps prevent constipation. Pour in enough warm water to make it the consistency of oatmeal. This will help your pig to eat without choking. Give your pig a children's chewable complete vitamin to help keep her healthy. Make sure your pot-bellied pig has fresh water available at all times.

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      Whether housing your pig inside our outdoors, he will need a warm sleeping area.

      Make his sleeping box as comfortable and warm as possible. Build a sleeping box or use a small tent for him to retreat to. Line the box with warm blankets from the thrift store as your pot-bellied pig will shred it to his desired state of bedding. Use plenty of straw for a pig housed outdoors. Make sure it is weatherproof, draft free and lined thickly with straw. He should have other pigs to snuggle up to for warmth.

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      A mud hole will help keep your pig comfortable in the summer heat.

      Keep your pig cool during the summer by giving her a pool to wade through or a mud hole to cover herself in mud.

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      A product including glucosamine and MSM will help your elderly pig.

      Purchase a product with glucosamine, MSM, vitamins, minerals and digestive bacteria made for pot-bellied pigs to help your elderly pig cope with arthritic symptoms, discomfort and general malaise.

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      Constipation can occur during the winter months.

      Take your pig's temperature so that you know what is normal for her. Pot-bellied pig temperatures can be 99.3 degrees Fahrenheit, but far less than that can be normal. Keep her feet trimmed regularly. Check to see if your pig is constipated by stepping on her poop. If it squashes, she is fine; if it crumbles she may be constipated. Purchase a laxative product for pigs and administer. Keep your pig's area safe from predators by fencing, and shield her from poisonous plants.