Homemade Pot Bellied Pig Treats

Potbellied pigs can make great pets if you take the time to learn how to properly care for them. Once you do, the new addition will become part of your family, and you will want to treat it with these delicious homemade snacks.
  1. PB and Cheerios

    • Potbellied pigs love peanut butter, so one of the best treats is Cheerios and peanut butter bites. Simply roll some cheerios in peanut butter to form a small ball. Potbellies will love this treat, but give it to them only once or twice a day. They need to eat real food as well. Also try bite-size shredded wheat with peanut butter.

    Cheese crisps

    • Potbellies love cheese but they shouldn't have it in large amounts, so try baking cheese crisps. Simply mix a plain dough or spritz dough that doesn't have much sugar and mix in some light cheese. Bake into small squares. Let cool.


    • One easy treat is unbuttered, unsalted air-popped popcorn. Potbellies love the crunch of popcorn and it is a healthy treat for them.