How to Potty Train a Pot Belly Pig

House training a new pet presents a challenging task but also many rewards. You'll find some species more difficult, but not a potbellied pig. You can potty train this highly intelligent animal and creature of habit with a few simple tricks.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box
  • Newspaper
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  1. Give Your Potbellied Pig a Place of Her Own

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      Set up a large litter box with shredded newspaper or pine wood chips for your indoor pig. The box must be large enough for the pig to move around and turn 360 degrees. Depending on your pig's size, you may need to use a plastic kiddie pool. Place the box in a special area set aside for your pig. Keep her confined to that area during the training period.

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      If you own an outdoor pig, designate a specific spot outside, or let him choose one for himself. Spend time with your pig and offer verbal rewards when he does his business in the proper spot. recommends that you walk your pig to this spot every two hours to remind him and get him into the habit of using it on his own.

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      Clean up after your pig regularly, but always leave a tiny amount of droppings behind. The scent will remind him to use that spot again as his designated "bathroom" area. Always offer verbal encouragement when he goes in the right place, but never yell at him or offer negative reinforcement. You'll find those actions ineffective and detrimental.

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      Above all, have patience. Habits take time to form, but your consistency will pay off before you know it.