How to train a pot bellied pig to open his mouth so you can check his teeth

Part of being a responsible potbellied pig owner is making sure that your pet's teeth are healthy and clean. While your veterinarian will check your pet’s oral health during its yearly examination, you should still regularly check your little pig’s teeth. Checking its teeth will be easier if you don’t have to pry your pig’s mouth open. Follow these steps to teach it how to open its mouth on cue.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Find a treat that your pig is fond of. Each potbellied pig is different with different tastes. Try different fruits, dog biscuits and vegetables. Gauge your pig’s reaction to each treat and see if there is one that it likes better than the others.

    • 2

      Have at least two treats in hand. Position yourself so that you are facing your pig, and make sure you have its complete attention.

    • 3

      Hold one treat in each hand. Make sure your pig sees what you are holding.

    • 4

      Hold each of the treats about 3 inches apart from each other in front of your pet pig. In a firm voice say “Open.” Unsure of which treat to select first, your pet pig should open its mouth.

    • 5

      Give your pig one of the treats as soon as it opens its mouth. While it eats, praise your pet, telling it how wonderful and clever it is while you scratch behind its ears. Repeat the process, gradually extending the amount of time your pig’s mouth is open before giving it the treat.

    • 6

      Repeat the process four or five times a day for several days until your pig opens its mouth the minute you say the word.

    • 7

      When your pig is willing to stand, open-mouthed, for several seconds, you can examine its mouth for broken teeth, sharp edges and oral wounds.