How to Raise Potbellied Pigs

Potbellied pigs are intelligent, independent and affectionate animals. Additionally, they are hypoallergenic, meaning that most people with pet allergies aren't allergic to potbellied pigs. Taking the step from owning to raising potbellied pigs is a serious commitment, though, and it is important to be prepared for the extra responsibility.

Things You'll Need

  • Sow
  • Boar
  • Pig toys
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    • 1

      Select the boar to breed your sow to carefully. Both parents must be registered so that you can register the resulting litter as well. (See "How to Breed Potbellied Pigs" under Related eHows.)

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      Once your sow has given birth, check the piglets carefully. Each should weigh roughly 6 to 8 oz. and should breathe clearly. Make sure there are no visible birth defects.

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      Leave the piglets with their mother for 6 weeks. Then, once they are eating solid food on their own, you may wean them. Also, have male piglets neutered and females spayed.

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      Establish a routine for your piglets; they need structure, much as children do. Set feeding and exercise times, and start litter-training. If you have not introduced them to the outdoors yet, begin doing so in small increments.

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      Maintain this structure for your piglets as they enter adolescence and adulthood. Keep them stimulated with activities and toys, or they will find ways to keep themselves entertained.