How to Keep a Pet Pig

A pet pig can be a wonderful addition to your family. Pigs are loving and loyal, and are actually very hygienic creatures. They're intelligent animals who learn tricks and can even be house trained. As with all pets, pigs require a lot of work, time and commitment. A pet pig is perfect for a family who's willing to maintain it with love and care.


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      Before purchasing a pet pig, check local zoning laws to ensure a pet pig is legal in your area.

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      Find a veterinarian in your area that cares for pigs. A pet pig requires regular vet visits for vaccinations as well as hoof and tusk trims.

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      Purchase high quality pig food and toys for play time. Pigs require a lot of attention because they're highly intelligent and bore easily.

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      Give the pig a clean place to sleep inside the house and protect it from the elements while outside. Have water available and shade while it plays outside. Keep the pig indoors when the temperature is less than 50 degrees F.

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      Train your pig by setting rules and boundaries. Be gentle but firm when saying no and use lots of positive reinforcement Repetition and consistency are key for teaching a pet pig.

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      Take the pig outside daily for exercise. Play fetch and let the pig run freely in an enclosed area. Provide the pig with a place to root in the dirt to fulfill that instinctual drive.

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      Groom the pet with pig moisturizer as needed. Bathe pig only once a month and check for earmites at the same time.