How to Housebreak a Pot-Bellied Pig

A pot-bellied pig can be an inside or outside pet. If you decide to keep your pot bellied pig inside, it must be housebroken. Pot-bellied pigs are highly intelliegent animals and can often be housebroken more easily than dogs. Learn how to housebreak a pot-bellied pig with the following steps.


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      Decide if you want the pig to go outside or in a litter box. Keep in mind that a litter box must be cleaned. Remember that pot-bellied pigs can become large and with that comes bigger messes.

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      Designate an area for the litter box or a place outside for the pig to go. It should be far away from the area that the pig eats. They won't "potty" near their food or sleeping areas.

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      Watch your pot-bellied pig for signs of needing to go potty. If it starts sniffing around looking for a spot, direct him to the designated area. Get them to the area as fast as you can.

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      Reward the pig for going in the appropriate areas. Give it a treat or a good pat. Pigs learn quickly and will soon learn what you are asking.

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      Allow your pig to go outside in the morning after waking up. They will generally have to potty at this time each day. Bringing them to their designated area before they go will help reinforce the action.