How to Train a Potbellied Pig

Potbellied pigs are extremely intelligent and eager to learn. These characteristics make them easy to train. Additionally, they are very food-motivated; so they will do almost anything for food. If you have a good bond with your pig and practice a little patience, your pig can be trained in no time. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats (and lots of them!)
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  1. Teach Your Pig Tricks

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      Create a bond with your pig. It's impossible to teach a pig to do anything if he doesn't trust you. Let your pig get comfortable with you and the environment before you begin any training sessions.

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      Decide what you want to train your potbellied pig to do. Pigs can do a number of tricks from sitting to shaking hands to blowing a horn. You can also teach your pig practical things like being gentle or going to the bathroom on command.

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      Pick a time to train your pig, preferably when your pig is alert and interested in you. It's no use to force your pig to train if he doesn't want to. Pigs are stubborn and will resist any attempt you make to bend their will.

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      Use commands to train your pig. Use 1 or 2 words for each command and make them distinct from one another and so your pig can differentiate between them. Pigs can learn hundreds of words.

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      Treat your pig each time he obeys at first and then only when he obeys a series of commands. Eventually, you want your pig to obey without getting a treat, just for praise and affection.

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      Limit the size of the treats you use. Cheerios and grapes are good for training because they are small, low in fat and pigs love them.

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      Keep training sessions short. 3- to 5-minute sessions are recommended. Stop when your pig starts to show signs of boredom or doesn't get it because you don't want your pig to fail and get frustrated.