How to Locate a Vet That Will Treat a Potbellied Pig

Potbellied pigs, like most exotic pets, are not treated by all veterinarians. Special training, facilities and equipment are often required. Potbellied pigs need regular veterinary care; so it's important to locate a qualified vet that can work with your pig for a lifetime. Read on to learn more.


  1. Find a Vet for Your Potbellied Pig

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      Consult your breeder. Any reputable breeder will be able to recommend a good veterinarian for your new piglet, as the piglet should have already been seen by one before you adopt him.

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      Ask for a recommendation from another veterinarian you trust. Even if your current vet doesn't treat pigs, odds are she will know someone who does.

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      Look for recommendations from a local pig club in your area. Many potbellied pig owners form local organizations to socialize their pet pigs. Other pig owners can provide a wealth of information for new pig owners.

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      Look through the directory of vets provided by the North American Potbellied Pigs Association (NAPPA) (see Resources below). You can browse through a listing of vets who treat potbellied pigs organized by state. NAPPA does not recommend any of the listed vets, however; they just provide contact information so you can locate one.

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      Cold call area vets and ask if they treat potbellied pigs. You don't want to have to travel long distances with your pig in the car, so choosing a local vet is the best option, provided that the vet is well-qualified.