How to Breed Dwarf Goats

Dwarf goats are miniature goat breeds that are generally bred for their sweet milk, for flesh, as show goats or as companion pets. The Nigerian Dwarf and the African Pygmy are 2 popular breeds of small goats. Dwarf goats are gentle and playful animals that you can easily breed. In fact, female dwarf goats, or does, give birth to between 3 and 5 kids at a time.

Things You'll Need

  • Healthy doe and buck
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      Select a healthy doe that is at least 8 months old for breeding. Some breeders prefer to choose does that are 1 year old. Does turn fertile quite early -- at 7 weeks of age -- but should be bred when they are physically mature. Do not choose skinny or overweight does, as they may have problems during childbirth.

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      Closely observe the doe for signs that it is in heat. Mucus discharge from the vulva, mounting of other goats, vigorous tail-wagging and excitement upon seeing or smelling a buck are some of the signs that your doe is in heat.

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      Pair your doe with a healthy male dwarf goat or buck and monitor them closely. Breeding takes place quickly. The doe will hunch her back when she has successfully mated. Separate the pair after successful breeding.