* Deer: Fawns are born in late spring and early summer.
* Rabbits: Baby rabbits, called kits, are born in litters throughout the spring.
* Squirrels: Baby squirrels, called kits, are born in nests high in trees.
* Chipmunks: Chipmunk pups are born in burrows underground.
* Bears: Black bear cubs are born in winter dens and emerge in the spring.
* Coyotes: Coyote pups are born in dens in the spring.
* Foxes: Fox kits are born in dens in the spring.
* Skunks: Skunk kits are born in burrows in the spring.
* Bats: Baby bats are born in caves or hollow trees in the spring.
* Robins: Baby robins, called fledglings, are born in nests in trees.
* Bluebirds: Baby bluebirds are born in nests in cavities.
* Cardinals: Baby cardinals are born in nests in trees or shrubs.
* Chickadees: Baby chickadees are born in nests in cavities.
* Owls: Owl chicks are born in nests in trees or cavities.
* Hawks: Hawk chicks are born in nests on cliffs or trees.
* Ducks: Ducklings are born on the ground near water.
Reptiles and Amphibians:
* Snakes: Snake hatchlings emerge from eggs in the spring.
* Lizards: Lizard hatchlings emerge from eggs in the spring.
* Frogs: Frog tadpoles hatch from eggs in the spring and transform into frogs.
* Salamanders: Salamander larvae hatch from eggs in the spring and transform into adults.
* Butterflies: Butterfly larvae (caterpillars) emerge from eggs in the spring and transform into butterflies.
* Bees: Honeybee larvae are raised in the hive in the spring.
* Ladybugs: Ladybug larvae emerge from eggs in the spring and transform into adults.
This is just a small sampling of the many animals that are born in the spring. The specific species that are common in your area may vary.