What is the breed of hornless cattle called?

Hornless cattle can be of many different breeds. The term "hornless" usually refers to a specific genetic trait called polled, which means the animal is born without horns.

Here are some examples of polled cattle breeds:

* Hereford: Known for their red and white coloring, Herefords are a popular beef breed and can be either horned or polled.

* Angus: Black and polled, Angus cattle are known for their marbling and tenderness.

* Charolais: Large, white, and polled, Charolais cattle are used for beef production.

* Simmental: Known for their red and white markings, Simmental cattle are versatile for both beef and dairy production.

* Limousin: Reddish-brown and polled, Limousin cattle are a beef breed known for their muscular build.

It's important to note that not all breeds are exclusively polled. Many breeds have both horned and polled varieties, while others are exclusively horned.

So, when someone says "hornless cattle," it's not a specific breed, but rather a description of a trait that can be found in many different breeds.