Things to Have for a Goat Meat Business

Meat goats produce cabrito and chevon. Cabrito is the meat from kids harvested by one week of age. Weaning-age kids produce chevon. The kids weigh about 60 pounds. Muslims, Caribbean Islanders and Hispanics purchase a majority of the goat meat in North America. There are a variety of items required for a goat meat business.
  1. Breeds

    • Six breeds of meat goats produce much of the goat meat in the United States. The Boer, a large breed with a reddish brown to black head and neck and white body, is one of the breeds. Another breed is the Myotonic or Tennessee Fainting Goat. When frightened, these goats fall over and lie stiff for several seconds. Other breeds utilized for meat are the Spanish, Kiko, Nubian and Pygmy. Spanish meat goats originated from feral goats in Texas and Oklahoma, while the mostly white Kiko breed is from New Zealand. The dual purpose (meat and milk) Nubian breed has long, dropping ears, while the Pygmy goats are very small.

    Breeding Stock

    • A ratio of three to four bucks to 100 does is recommended for a meat goat herd. Select healthy, sound, breeding animals with good production records. Does and bucks with strong feet, legs, topline and body capacity are preferred.


    • Meat goats require adequate fencing and shelter. Woven wire and electric fencing are often used for perimeter and interior fencing. At least 20 square feet of shelter is necessary for each adult meat goat. Holding pens and chutes make vaccinations and health care easier.


    • Meat goats graze and forage during the growing season. Good quality pasture provides feed for six to eight goats per acre. The diet is supplemented with energy feeds such as cereal grains, as necessary. During winter months, goats primarily eat hay. A meat goat business requires a clean water supply and feed troughs. Allow sufficient trough space for all goats to eat at once.


    • Raising meat goats is a labor-intensive business. The goats are fed, watered and checked for health issues daily. Kidding season requires additional labor to assist the does with giving birth. Skills such as hoof trimming and administering shots are necessary.


    • A system for recording meat goat data is necessary. The data includes the sire and dam, production records, health care, feed, growth rate and disposition.

    Health Care

    • Meat goats receive regular vaccinations and health care. Tools for foot trimming, ear tagging, vaccinations and other management practices are necessary.


    • Meat goat breed females usually produce two or more kids per year. A reliable market for the meat goats is necessary. Demand is often greater near major cities. Meat goats sell as slaughter goats, show goats or breeding stock.