How to Care for an Egyptian Fayoumi Rooster

The Egyptian Fayoumi species of chicken is a small breed that originated around the banks of the Nile River, just south of Cairo. The steep history of this breed dates back to times Before the Common Era. While these are a smaller breed, the hens are known for the amount of eggs that they lay in one season. Caring for this breed is no more difficult than taking care of other small flocks of chickens because of the mild temperament of these birds.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken coop
  • Feed
  • Nesting grounds
  • Water
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      Place your young Egyptian Fayoumi rooster inside the chicken coop with the rest of your chickens. Unless you have other roosters that are extremely territorial, the young rooster should be fine. Egyptian Fayoumi roosters typically get along well with other roosters, especially those of the same breed, but sometimes conflicts may occur and you must separate them.

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      Put out a bowl of feed for the rooster to graze on throughout the day, as well as a bowl of water. The food mix that you purchase for the rooster should be high in proteins and vitamins. Look for signs that your rooster is doing well. This is one of the only breeds of rooster that can crow by the time he is six weeks old if he is happy and healthy. These roosters also reach a maximum weight of 4 1/2 lbs.

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      Create nesting grounds for the females. The females of this species will begin laying eggs at 4 months of age, and they can start sitting from the first batch of eggs on. This factor is dependent upon the rooster and personality of the hen. The roosters will accommodate the hens, but having a nesting ground in the coop can make finding the eggs much easier.