How to Breed Shorthorn Cattle

Shorthorn cattle are raised to produce beef or milk. The breed, introduced into the United States in 1783, has two lines, one for producing milk (Milking Shorthorns) and the other for producing meat (beef Shorthorns). Milking Shorthorns produce milk for fluid consumption, cheese and other products. Beef Shorthorns produce calves for beef. These early maturing cattle with a quiet disposition have a red, white, red and white or roan coat color, with roan being a mixture of red and white hairs. The cattle may be horned or polled. Mature Shorthorn cows range in weight from 1,250 to 1,400 pounds.

Things You'll Need

  • Shorthorn heifers and cows
  • Shorthorn bulls or an AI program
  • Production records for the cattle
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      Select breeding animals from herds with production records. Choose Milking Shorthorns with strong milk producing abilities. Select beef Shorthorns from herds with a high weaning weight, strong average daily gain and the ability to produce desirable beef.

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      Breed Shorthorn heifers to calve at two years of age. Select heifers that weigh a minimum of 650 lbs at 14 to 16 months of age. Breed the heifers to heifer bulls either naturally or by artificial insemination (AI). Heifer bulls produce low birth weight calves that allow for easier calving.

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      Use AI to improve the genetics of the herd by selecting superior Milking or beef Shorthorn bulls. AI requires more labor than natural mating, but it allows introduction of outside bloodlines.

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      Start an estrus synchronization program to produce a uniform crop of calves. An estrus synchronization program reduces the labor and cost of AI because all cows come into estrus at approximately the same time. Estrus synchronization usually requires hormone injections.

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      Remove the calves from Milking Shorthorn cows at one day of age. Because of the cows' high milk production, Milking Shorthorn calves are raised separately from the cows on a milk, grain and hay diet. Wean beef Shorthorn calves from the cows at approximately six months of age.

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      Milk Milking Shorthorn cows for nine to ten months. During this time, the cows produce approximately 13,264 lbs of milk with a 3.6 percent fat content. Allow a two to three month dry period. Breed the cows to calve every twelve months.

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      Breed beef Shorthorn cows to calve at twelve-month intervals. The cows raise their calves for six months. The calves reach a market weight of about 1100 pounds at 15 to 18 months.

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      Cull Shorthorn cows for problems such as a low conception rate and difficulty calving. Remove low-milk-producing Milking Shorthorn cows from the herd. Cull beef Shorthorn cows that fail to wean a desirable beef calf.