Things You'll Need
- Broody hen (chicken or duck)
- Incubator
- Fertilized Call Duck eggs
Hatch the eggs under a brooding Call Duck hen. Provide her a nest in a safe portion of the barn. Use a chicken to hatch the eggs if a Call Duck hen is not available. Place the duck eggs under the brooding hen. Mist the eggs with room-temperature water once a day. Only hatch clean and properly shaped eggs.
Prepare the incubator according to the manufacturer's instructions. Run the incubator for a few days before setting the Call Duck eggs. See that the temperature stays a constant 99 to 100 degrees. Set the humidity at or over 50 percent. Place the eggs in the incubator.
Turn the eggs 2 to 4 times daily and mist lightly with water once a day. Mark the top of each egg with a pencil to facilitate turning.
Check the eggs after 10 days for development. Candle the eggs with an egg candler or by holding a flashlight to the large end of the egg. Shine the light through the egg in a dark room. Look for a network of veins and a dark center. Prepare the brooding area as the hatch date nears with a heat lamp, food tray and chick waterer.
Raise the humidity to 70 or 85 percent at day 25. Hatching begins at day 27. Remove the hatched and dried chicks from the incubator and place them in the heated brooding area.