How to Hatch Chicken Eggs and Turn Them the Last Week of Incubation

Hatching chicken eggs is relatively easy with the use of an incubator and regular attention. People who attempt to hatch eggs in an oven or other warming device generally find the results disappointing. An incubator allows you to control the temperature and relative humidity, which are critical to hatching chicken eggs. Turning eggs at least three times a day --- until three days before they hatch --- is also important to successfully hatching healthy chicks.

Things You'll Need

  • Incubator
  • Thermometer
  • Hygrometer
  • Cheesecloth
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    • 1

      Place your incubator in a place where it will be out of drafts and direct sunlight to ensure the temperature remains constant.

    • 2

      Set the temperature control to 99.5 degrees. Check the temperature with a thermometer for at least 24 hours before placing the eggs in the incubator. The temperature should be between 99 and 102 degrees.

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      Place the water pan under the egg tray. Maintain the moisture level in the incubator at 50 to 55 percent. Use a hygrometer to test the humidity in the incubator regularly. Monitor the water level in the water pan and fill as necessary.

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      Warm the eggs to room temperature before placing them into the incubator. Don't adjust the incubator setting higher during this warm-up period; allow it to return to temperature naturally.

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      Place the eggs in the egg tray on their sides. Mark each egg with an X so you can identify each side.

    • 6

      Turn eggs from one side to the other at least three times daily. Eggs can be turned more often, but make sure the turns equal an odd number. The side on which the eggs lay overnight should be alternated throughout the incubation period.

    • 7

      Place the cheesecloth on the screen under the eggs three days before the eggs hatch.

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      Stop turning the eggs three days before they hatch. Chicken eggs incubate 21 days before hatching. Avoid opening the incubator and increase the humidity level to 70 percent during the last three days.

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      Remove chicks from the incubator after they are completely dry and fluffed.