How to Know the Gender of a Duck

Ducks lay eggs nearly every day until the duck feels she has laid enough for a full clutch. A full clutch is between eight and fifteen duck eggs. Once there is a full clutch, the female duck will sit on them until hatched. After hatching, the ducklings are lead to the water. Sexing a duck requires listening and looking. The female and male ducks has a different quack. Also, tail feathers of the drakes are different for male and female ducks.

Things You'll Need

  • Duck treats
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      Get the duck to talk by bribing it with treats. Ducks are vocal creatures, so rewarding the duck for quacking should be fairly easy.

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      Listen to the sound of the duck's quack when the duckling is 10 weeks old. The female quack is loud and the make is like a whisper.

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      Look at the tail feathers of the duck. If the duck has curled tail feathers then the duck is male.

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      Pick up the duck and turn it upside down. Venting is picking up the duck, turning it upside down, looking at its genital vent and making a determination from what you see. Female ducks have cone shaped genitals.