How to Save Poultry Eggs for Hatching

Poultry farmers want healthy chicks so they will grow into healthy, productive adults. To help ensure the quality of your poultry flock, you must properly collect eggs for hatching. Before the egg is incubated, the embryo inside it is already developing. Properly saving the eggs will help ensure that the next generation of poultry your flock produces are healthy. There are a few basic steps to saving poultry eggs for hatching.

Things You'll Need

  • Basket with soft bottom or empty egg carton
  • Soft cloth
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    • 1

      Enter your poultry house early in the morning when daily high temperatures are reaching 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Feed your hens and allow them to come off the nests so you can get the eggs beneath them. Food is a good distraction for poultry and makes saving your eggs easier.

    • 2

      Reach into each nest and carefully gather all eggs you want to save for hatching. Place them gently in a basket with a soft bottom or empty egg carton. This will help prevent breakage.

    • 3

      Clean lightly soiled eggs using a dry, soft cloth. Do not save eggs that are very dirty because bacteria has likely entered the egg's shell and contaminated the embryo.

    • 4

      Place all of the saved poultry eggs into your incubator. Repeat the process of saving eggs at least three times a day. Increase collection to up to five times a day for the best hatching ratio.