Equipment Supplies for the Artificial Insemination of Goats

Artificial Insemination is a means of impregnating a doe mechanically. Semen is collected from a buck and inserted into a doe by a technician. Collected semen can be used immediately or frozen and used at a later date, or shipped to another goat herd owner. Artificial insemination is an efficient way to increase the genetic diversity of a large goat herd without having to own multiple bucks or to move your does to available studs. More does can be inseminated from one buck than through traditional breeding practices. As well, the heat cycle of the does can be synchronized so all of the does can be bred, and give birth, at the same time. Costs of artificial insemination may be prohibitive to owners of small goat herds.
  1. Stanchion

    • A stanchion or other type of restraining system will be required to hold the doe still during the insemination process.


    • Special straws are filled with semen and stored in the liquid nitrogen tank. Straws are available in two sizes, 0.5 or 0.25 ml.

    Liquid Nitrogen Tank

    • The liquid nitrogen tank is a storage tank that keeps the semen frozen and viable for long periods of time.

    Straw Tweezers

    • Straw tweezers are used to move the semen-filled straw from the liquid nitrogen tank to the thaw box, then from the thaw box to the insemination gun.

    Thaw box

    • The thaw box is filled with warm water and is used to thaw the frozen straws of semen.

    Paper towels

    • Paper towels are used to dry the thawed straw of semen. The paper towel is also used to clean the vulva of the doe.

    Insemination Gun

    • Straws of thawed-out semen are placed in the insemination gun and are inserted into the doe. The insemination gun is for use with straws only.

    Straw Cutter

    • Once the straw is secured in the insemination gun, the seal of the straw is cut off.

    Strap On Headlight

    • The light is strapped to your head to keep your hands free and to help you see when you are inseminating the doe.

    Non-Spermicidal Sterile lubricant

    • The lubricant is used on the speculum.


    • The speculum is an instrument inserted into the doe's vagina in preparation for the insemination gun. The speculum size required will depend on your doe.

    Breeding Journal

    • The breeding journal is used to record pertinent information. Keep it for later reference.